Services we provide:

  • Digital strategy
  • Website data tracking & analysis
  • Website design & development
  • Progress Sitefinity implementation

About AORN

AORN is the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses, a community that started in 1949 in order to share best practices for operating room nurses. AORN is celebrating 75 years of being the largest family of organizations dedicated to supporting nurses and surgical teams with over 44,000 members nationwide. AORN shares information with its members through their digital assets, including the website. AORN came to the experts at SilverTech wanting a new digital member experience across all the AORN websites.


The Process

SilverTech’s strategy team reviewed the most current data from AORN and provided recommendations for enhancing components of all the websites for optimized data accuracy and clean data collection going forward. With this project, SilverTech met the challenge of moving seven websites from Sitecore to Sitefinity. Progress Sitefinity was the newly chosen platform for its ease of use, rich functionality and fully customizable features. This project required a design of seven unique styles and brands, creating widgets and content types that would accommodate their content needs for each of the seven entities. This includes the Outpatient Surgery magazine which had more than 12,000 articles. Other challenges with this project included the incorporation of ad space throughout the sites, SSO and member login functionality, custom search, scripted content migration and more.



Increase in sessions
Increase in user engagement
Increase in organic search traffic

Jump-start Your Digital Goals for 2024

By: Kim Smith | 11/16/23

Have you thought about your digital strategy for 2024? What goals does your team have? Do you have a plan for the coming year? If you don’t have the answers just yet, you are not alone. Most businesses start the planning late, and primarily because they are not sure where to start, but SilverTech has some ideas that can help. 

Digital Strategy

Making your digital strategy a priority can be difficult, however, forming a good digital strategy is vital to providing a robust digital experience. Here are four keyways to kick start your digital strategy.

  • A strategic website analysis including but not limited to:
    • Competitive analysis
    • Conversion point analysis
    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) analysis including technical and content.
  • Optimize your website click paths for better conversions.
  • Develop a high-level digital roadmap for your 2024 digital initiatives.
  • Conduct usability testing or user testing to see if you are resonating with your audience. 

Digital Marketing

Your digital marketing efforts can have a direct impact on your revenue and the success of your business. As technology changes constantly, there are some tried and true initiatives you should be implementing in 2024 – and some new and innovative strategies you should consider testing out.

  • Utilize Google’s Performance Max campaigns to accelerate your lead generation efforts.
  • Test Google’s new Demand Gen campaign format to amplify your brand.
  • Launch a TV commercial using the Connected TV (CTV) network, reaching not just your local TV stations, but also streaming platforms and channels; Hulu, HGTV, Pluto & more.
  • Perform an audit of your marketing efforts and review your ad spend to ensure you are getting a positive ROI (return on investment).
  • Analyze your competitors to see what they are doing, what ads they are running, keywords they are bidding on to see where your organization can do better.
  • Identify where AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology can make your marketing more efficient while still effective.
  • Invest in more personalized marketing using you customer data, advanced ad targeting, the right creative messaging, and a cohesive website experience.
  • Prepare for big changes to data privacy and ad blocking technologies.
  • Leverage more programmatic advertising that utilizes real-time bidding and a wider ad market beyond just Google.
  • Explore newly emerging channels like Reddit, TikTok, and Threads.
  • Leverage more native ads that feel less intrusive to your audience. 

Web Development & Design

We all know the website is the biggest part of your digital presence. Do not neglect your website assets. These recommendations are fundamental to maintaining your website.

  • Enhance your modules within your CMS (Content Management System), making small page changes will result in a huge benefit.
  • Upgrade your CMS to the latest version. This is important and ensures that the latest security updates.
  • Perform an ADA audit and implement fixes to verify compliance and accessibility to all website users.
  • Develop an advanced site search, users want to be able to find the information they are looking for with ease.
  • Integrate your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) with your website allowing you to track the data across your MarTech stack.
  • Utilize the personalization features of your website, giving users a unique experience tailored to their needs.

A Big Website Project

Is 2024 the year that you have designated for a complete overhaul of your website? SilverTech’s team of digital experience experts are here to make that a reality for your business. In 2023 we helped dozens of businesses with large web projects.

If you need assistance with your digital strategy, digital marketing, and minor or major website updates - we are here to help. We would love to sit down and discuss your digital goal for 2024.

Contact us today to set up a meeting.

Meet the Author: Kim Smith

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