Services we provide:

  • Digital strategy
  • Website data tracking & analysis
  • Website design & development
  • Progress Sitefinity implementation

About AORN

AORN is the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses, a community that started in 1949 in order to share best practices for operating room nurses. AORN is celebrating 75 years of being the largest family of organizations dedicated to supporting nurses and surgical teams with over 44,000 members nationwide. AORN shares information with its members through their digital assets, including the website. AORN came to the experts at SilverTech wanting a new digital member experience across all the AORN websites.


The Process

SilverTech’s strategy team reviewed the most current data from AORN and provided recommendations for enhancing components of all the websites for optimized data accuracy and clean data collection going forward. With this project, SilverTech met the challenge of moving seven websites from Sitecore to Sitefinity. Progress Sitefinity was the newly chosen platform for its ease of use, rich functionality and fully customizable features. This project required a design of seven unique styles and brands, creating widgets and content types that would accommodate their content needs for each of the seven entities. This includes the Outpatient Surgery magazine which had more than 12,000 articles. Other challenges with this project included the incorporation of ad space throughout the sites, SSO and member login functionality, custom search, scripted content migration and more.



Increase in sessions
Increase in user engagement
Increase in organic search traffic

​Best Practice for Migrating a Large Amount of Content From One Web CMS Platform to Another

By: Amanda Blais | 4/22/24

You've decided to upgrade your website's platform – congratulations! A new platform can bring you many benefits, from improved functionality to enhanced user experience. But, content migration can also be an intimidating beast. Moving a large amount of content from one platform to another can feel overwhelming and scary. It doesn't have to be. Here are some best practices to ensure your website content migration goes smoothly:

Start With Content Discovery and Planning:

Before diving in, take a deep breath and create a comprehensive plan. Here's what your plan should cover:

  • Content Inventory: Meticulously document all your website's content, including pages, blog posts, images, and media. Categorize it by importance and function to prioritize the migration.
  • New Web Platform Training: Familiarize yourself with the new platform's content management system (CMS). Understand how content is structured and tagged within the new system. Ask for training by both the CMS platform vendor and by your digital partner. It is important to get thorough training directly from the CMS implementation or customization partner, like SilverTech, because your team will need to learn how to update and manage those modified areas or capabilities.
  • Redirection Strategy: Develop a plan for 301 redirects. These redirects ensure visitors searching for your old content land on the corresponding pages on the new site, maintaining SEO value.

Choose Your Migration Method:

There are three main approaches to consider:

  • Manual Migration: This is a great option for small websites or if you have a lot of time and a small team. However, for large websites, it can be incredibly time-consuming and prone to errors.
  • Automated Migration Plugins: Many platforms offer plugins that can automate the migration process. While convenient, these plugins may not handle complex content structures perfectly, requiring some manual intervention.
  • Professional Migration Services: For extensive websites or those with intricate content structures, consider professional migration services such as SilverTech offers. Our content migration team can handle the heavy lifting in a shorter amount of time and ensure a smooth transition.

Content Optimization is Key:

Migration is a great opportunity to optimize your web content. Here's how:

  • Content Review and Refresh: As you migrate content, identify outdated information and refresh it with the latest data.
  • Structure and Formatting: Ensure your content adheres to the new platform's formatting requirements. This might involve adjusting image sizes or updating headers.
  • Meta Description and Title Review: Review and update meta descriptions and titles to optimize SEO for the new platform and content structure.

Testing is Essential:

Once the migration is complete, rigorous testing is crucial.  Test all functionalities, links, forms, and ensure everything displays correctly.

Launch and Post-migration Content Care:

With a successful migration, it's launch time!  However, the journey doesn't end there.  Monitor your website's performance after launch and address any lingering issues.  Use analytics tools to track traffic and user behavior to identify areas for further optimization.

By following these best practices, you can transform your website migration project from a headache to an opportunity, emerging with a powerful new platform and a website that shines.

We are here to help! 



Meet the Author: Amanda Blais

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