Services we provide:

  • Discovery
  • Strategy
  • UX/UI design
  • Website development
  • Kentico implementation

About Sentinel

Sentinel is one of the largest employee benefits providers in the Northeast with 4,000+ clients and more than 250,000 plan participants. Sentinel partnered with SilverTech for their website redesign to accentuate their competitive advantages to other providers and strengthen brand messaging and company culture online. Additionally, they wanted to highlight Sentinel as a one-stop-shop benefits provider for employers and employees. Sentinel sought SilverTech’s expertise to create an experience geared towards the individual including storytelling elements through iconography, lifestyle-type imagery, and testimonials on their website.

The Process

Sentinel chose SilverTech’s recommendation of Kentico for several reasons. What appealed most to them was the easy-to-use interface for content editors, the ability to tag content clearly and effectively for multiple user groups, varied ability levels/place in the sales funnel, and the platform’s marketing automation abilities. Since the main goal of this website redesign was to create lead generation, the power and customizable functionality of the Kentico CMS coupled with the easy-to-use personalization and marketing automation features was a no brainer for Sentinel.

The Challenges

SilverTech faced several challenges throughout working on this project. One of the pains of Sentinel’s old site was that the homepage was difficult to use, asking users to act before understanding who Sentinel is. The new website clearly communicates the Sentinel brand before asking users to act. Another challenge that SilverTech faced was placing educational materials and related resources in a location and manner on the website that would be the most beneficial to users. This would make it easy for users to find information on their own and eliminate the need for Sentinel to send users direct links to the information. Sentinel loves the new website and SilverTech was able to address all the challenges of the old website.



Increase in user engagement in the first 30 days post launch
Increase in new users

CrowdStrike Outage 2024

By: Anoop Sandhu | 7/19/24

“Major global IT outage grounds flights, hits banks and businesses,” “Emergency services numbers offline worldwide,” “Operations delayed as hospitals pause services.”

These are just a snapshot of some of the headlines the world woke up to today after a major outage from a CrowdStrike patch gone bad.

Who is CrowdStrike?

CrowdStrike is a leading worldwide cloud-based cybersecurity platform, who has been involved in investigating and assisting in some of the world’s largest breaches and cybersecurity incidents. They represent a gold standard in cybersecurity across the globe with over 29,000 customers.

What Happened?

The worldwide outage is traced back to CrowdStrike’s “Falcon” platform. This is a cloud-based solution that combines multiple solutions into a single product. Antivirus, threat detection, real-time monitoring and more. The update installed faulty software that caused Window’s machines to experience the dreaded “Blue Screen of Death” and to get stuck in a boot loop. Essentially, once the update was installed and you restarted, your machine would not boot up.


CrowdStrike is actively working on a permanent fix, but in the immediate hours after the incident the only way to get up and running was to have access to the affected machines so files could be deleted. IT would need to be able to log into the server, find the faulty file, delete it from the machine, and subsequently reboot the instance. A truly daunting task for those that found themselves with hundreds or even thousands of affected devices.

How! Why?

With the scope of this historic incident, the “How’s” and the “Why’s” are truly going to be dissected with organizations and governments around the world looking for answers, and in many cases looking for alternatives. This event simply proves that even an organization doing everything “right” -in this case using one of the best security vendors in the world- can still have their systems impacted and suffer real consequences. But that does not mean we have to accept that there is nothing we can do.


There are many steps an organization can take to reduce risk and mitigate the impact of events like this.

While you cannot plan for everything, some fundamental best practices hold true that can help.

1. Do not update all your servers at once

A simple strategy to combat bad updates is to perform rolling deployments with time baked in between for validation. While SilverTech was not affected by CrowdStrike, one of our managed clients was and we were able to pause updates once an initial batch of servers went offline and we were notified by automated monitoring solutions. This bought us time to remediate the issue. Had all servers been updated on the same schedule, all would have gone down simultaneously and caused end user impact. The way this event rolled out, no end users saw any downtime or loss of services.

2. Do not test only on production

A time-tested strategy that still gets away from people, especially with patch management. Always have a non-production environment that mimics your live setup that gets patches first. The amount of time and effort to set up automated monitoring is generally trivial and even a single incident pays back dividends.

3. Have a plan B

It is not just software that can fail, a catastrophic event can affect regional services as well. Whenever possible, have a copy of your site or software in a different region available to takeover in case of an emergency to reduce the impact of a catastrophic event.

For example, SilverTech’s platinum hosting plan includes an active standby server in a completely different region. The globally load balanced Azure FrontDoor infrastructure constantly validates the health of the primary region and automatically rolls over to the secondary in case of a loss of availability. Should a region fail due to a disaster or a bad update (staggered updates 😊) you are covered.

Meet the Author: Anoop Sandhu

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